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Sandisk 2.5" SATA SSD X600 256GB

Sandisk 2.5" SATA SSD X600 256GB

Sandisk 2.5" SATA SSD 256GB
550 MB/s Read speed
525 MB/s Write speed
SATA 6Gb/s


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Customer ratings: 4 von 5 Sternen
Average rating, based on 8 ratings
5 von 5 Sternen from klauskloos am 28.04.2017 | | See all my comments
5 von 5 Sternen from old_bike_driver am 14.12.2015 | | See all my comments

Erfüllt sein Aufgabe, interessant wird es erst in einigen Monaten nach intensivem Gebrauch

3 von 5 Sternen from khorn am 11.08.2008 | See all my comments

Very good memory nice speed, perfect to place in car, because has no moving parts, so no worries about shocks on ride, just listen to your music. just a little bit expansive compared to normal HD

4 von 5 Sternen from gsflorian am 21.07.2008 | See all my comments

Good price/capacity ratio comparing to other manufacturers.
Ideal for rugged designs, since no shock can harm this Solid State Memory Device. I myself will buy one when my project will be ready.

3 von 5 Sternen from _Dejan_ am 03.05.2008 | See all my comments

Im buy this SSD for my carpc and is good replacement for normal HDD but if you have a lot of mp3s you need another HDD... I will use it for operating system... I will report more when I will test it...

Update from :2008-05-24 22:19
Ok Im try it Installing windows XP take about 3 hours, after install all take to long. I don't recomend it for OS... This SSd is useable only for data(Mp3) because have reading speed 20MB/s which is enought for mp3... Writing is slow around 8MB/s...

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